Friday 11 April 2014

A Conclusion has arrived... Way too late.

Hi there again, everyone! This may probably be my last report on the "progress" of the BTC Robot. Without further ado:
As you can already tell, this is simply ridiculous. Why? Despite the fact that the trading mode has been switched from Aggressive to Medium Risk, this is did not hamper the speed of the continued loss.

Observe the BTC-E chart that was accompanied with the portfolio. Do note, these two charts are provided together on the same screen, and despite a possible performance on the price for Bitcoin between the 11th and 12th of April, 2014, BTC Robot continues to haphazardly squander my money!

Therefore, it is with immediate effect that I cease the experimentation immediately, and denounce this product of its so-called "battle-tested" trading algorithm. You have seen it work, but not in a favourable way. Rather, it is reckless and without any proper thought or process. At its most basic and fundamental, it aims to buy high and sell low, something that goes against all basics of trading.

Despite the supposedly 24-48 hours of response time, it is about 72 hours and there has been no response from the support team. I can only conclude, from their lack of response, and my experience and evidence collected and analysed through this period, that this product is a farce.

I now humble stand before you, reader, and implore you to avoid this product, its team, and whichever new products that they might offer in the future. Avoid it like the plague. I have suffered so that you won't have to.

Please share this blog with anyone and everyone, to enlighten and warn them of the potential dangers this will bring.

Here is a summary of the entire duration:

Experiment started on 31st March 2014.
Initial Investment Portfolio Value: USD$370.00

Experiment ended on 12th April 2014 (13 days)
Final Investment Portfolio Value: USD$138.81

Within 13 days, only an approximate 37.5% of my initial investment remains.

Once again, avoid this product and its creator at all cost. Despite their supposed claims, they are nothing more than fabrications of lies and deceit.

Thursday 10 April 2014

Medium settings. What does it read?

And I am back with yet another progress report. If you recall from my last blog entry, I set my BTC Robot's setting to Medium Risk. Here is the result:
Sigh... As you can clearly see, there is hardly any difference at this point of time. The portfolio's value continues to nose-dive, with no sign of any improvement from the Aggressive Risk setting.

Previously, my overall loss was USD$187.54. Now, it is at USD$198.36; an additional 3% of loss.

In addition, my email sent over to the BTC Robot team regarding their product's disappointing performance has yet to be answered by them, which has yet to be answered by them. But as it stands now, confidence in the team and their product and future products, are most definitely in the dumps now.

38 days remaining

Tuesday 8 April 2014

The storms continues...

This is incredible, and by incredible, I mean incredibly bad. Without much to say, here's screenshot:

What can I say, except the value of the account has gone past the half-way mark and it just continues to drop. This is so vastly different from even the worse case scenario described by the BTC Robot team.

Now, at about 50.7% losses before even the 30th day mark, I must say that these few days have been shockingly conclusive; performance of the BTC Robot is shockingly trash, as some other people on the internet have pointed out in forums.

Right now, I intend to send the team yet another email to report to them about the facts recorded and documented on my blog, and to see what reasonable and responsible response they may give me. It goes without saying that alarm bells are ringing and I may have to re-consider my initial assessment of whether to stay put until the 50th day.

For the time being though, I will now switch the trading mode of my BTC Robot from Aggressive to Medium Risk, and see what kind of effect it may have. Stay tuned!

40 days remaining!

Monday 7 April 2014

And it continues on.

Hi there everyone! It's me again with another update on the progress of the BTC Robot's performance. To summarize thus far; not good at all.

Here's the quick version:
My losses continues to plummet, from the previous percentage of -35.9% to about -47.8%, as seen and recorded at approximately 10:16pm (Singapore Time), 7th of April 2014.

Now that it is reaching almost half of my initial investment, my emotional side is telling to cut my losses asap and get it out while I still can. However, this IS an experiment, for better or for worse, and I intend to see it through until the 50th day of the experiment as promised in my first post.

Prior to this post, on last Friday, I have the chance to receive a reply from Jonathan of and he, too, shared the same down-trend performance too, in writing. And in writing, I meant via the Private Message system in Facebook.

Coincidentally, I received an advertisement email from the BTC Robot team, today, with the following message:


Subject Title: BTC Robot vs "Buy and Hold" strategy. [facts]

Email Content:
I am sure you are not missing out!
Pefrormance update. BTC robot vs "Buy and Hold" strategy.
As you can see while price of BTC is going down and "Buy and hold" strategy only showing losses,  BTC robot keeps stable performance UP! (light green on the chart below)
Enable images:
Are you IN?
Wondering how BTC Robot is doing?
Here is the update:

Where we are now:
We are in the beginning of the stage called Exponential Growth. The more people use the new Bitcoin technology the more useful it gets for everyone involved. This effect accelerates the adoption. With crypto currencies we're at the beginning of this stage. The benefits of crypto currencies increase as more people have wallets and more merchants accept it! You could be among the first pioneers who take advantage and reap all the benefits and profits!
P.S. If you still have not started out, go to to start your BTC robot and secure your spot for 2014!


If you notice, the second image labelled "Current Portfolio Value" only shows the trading performance until March 12. I am not sure about what year is it either since it did not seem to indicate clearly. So, since I cannot do a direct reference to it, I though it could a quick comparison with Jonathan's ( progress report that he has posted via his website, specifically this link.

To save you time, I took a screenshot of that specific page for you to compare, but you can also do your own research if you wish;

Jonathan of March 2014 Performance Report

Now, to be fair, the periods shown here is beyond the time period as shown in the BTC Robot advertisement email. However, there is a hint of disparity if you look closely:

A rough estimation of Jonathan's chart shows that it start around 3rd of March 2014, in which that date should also be visible in the advertisement's version.

Notice that in email's version the performance seems to be improving between the 3rd of March to the 12th of March. However, returning back to Jonathan's report it shows a decline in performance during that same period of time.

The line does not add up and this only continues to confuse me about what is really going on.

So there you have it. I listed out the information as it stands and I hope this helps you to make a more informed choice. But I do strongly advice you to continue following this blog and my BTC Robot's progress and the count-down continues BEFORE doing anything else, and that includes purchasing a license to the BTC Robot.

Honestly, I really hoped that the performance of the BTC Robot is real and that I could sing the team's praises, while providing legitimate evidence, furthering helping everyone else in their buying decisions. But alas, that did not come to pass as of yet.

Fingers crossed.

42 days left.
Date Started: 31st March 2014

Thursday 3 April 2014

5 days into BTC Robot so far...

Imagine my shock, when I checked my account this afternoon and presented with this screen:

Imagine my surprise to see my losses doubled within a single night. That is about 17.4% increase in losses!

Granted, the market outlook at the value of BitCoin did decrease, but to the point where the claim of the BTC Robot's objective is also to help protect the value of the portfolio, to see hardly any improvements isn't doing much to increase the confidence in the BTC Robot.

Right now, I would love to see the BTC Robot's team's performance during the past 5 days too to see if there any difference.

Tuesday 1 April 2014

BTC Robot Experience - Report #001

Good day, fellow humans! The day has come and I decided to jump into the deep, dark, and unknown plunge of the world of BitCoin.

For the uninitiated, think of BitCoin like a currency, very much like Singapore's Dollar... but only available within the Internet domain. Thus, because transactions is down from one person to another, banks cannot take part in it. Thus, no banks are involved and that also means, there is no such thing as a bank account. I could probably go more in-depth but that isn't the purpose of this blog anyways. You can read more about via and through the power of Google.

Anyways, BTC Robot ( is an automated program where it helps the owner (Me!) earn money through the trading of real-life currency, like the USD, to BitCoin and vice-versa.

Now, the purpose of this blog helps to keep an open and public report of my "supposed earnings" as well as to prove, or disprove, the effectiveness of this program.

But, you may ask, why I would be taking a risk with this? Well, there is this fellow Singaporean trader who goes by the name of Jonathan and as a website ( and a Youtube channel (, is also using the BTC Robot for a period of time. It seems to have yielded mostly positive results and thought I could try to get myself a share of the pie too.

In addition, BTC Robot in partnership with ClickBetter, promises a 60-day money back guarantee. Thus, I decided to put my money down to see if the investment will pay off before the 60-day ends. Thus, I am now declaring that if by the 50th day of the 60-day the license is unable to redeem itself, I'll proceed to claim a refund of this program as well as withdrawing which ever remaining amount of the money used in this trading period.

So, here are the facts:
Test started on 31st March 2014
Initial investment into BTC-E: USD$370 (31st March 2014)
BTC Robot (Gold License) activated with Aggressive mode on 31st March 2014

At 2:55pm, 2nd April 2014 (+8 GMT, Singapore time), the overall profit thus far is: USD -$55.74

I'll post my trade records, courtesy of BTC-E, into my next post around in the evening today, so that you all know that I am backing up my reports with actual facts.

Final note; I may or may not succeed in this, but I do hope to prove to be a credible source for anyone who may be interested, no matter how small, in the BTC Robot. If anything else, I highly recommend you to stick with me throughout the entire 50-day duration to see how it works out.