Tuesday 1 April 2014

BTC Robot Experience - Report #001

Good day, fellow humans! The day has come and I decided to jump into the deep, dark, and unknown plunge of the world of BitCoin.

For the uninitiated, think of BitCoin like a currency, very much like Singapore's Dollar... but only available within the Internet domain. Thus, because transactions is down from one person to another, banks cannot take part in it. Thus, no banks are involved and that also means, there is no such thing as a bank account. I could probably go more in-depth but that isn't the purpose of this blog anyways. You can read more about via http://bitcoin.org/ and through the power of Google.

Anyways, BTC Robot (http://www.btcrobot.com/) is an automated program where it helps the owner (Me!) earn money through the trading of real-life currency, like the USD, to BitCoin and vice-versa.

Now, the purpose of this blog helps to keep an open and public report of my "supposed earnings" as well as to prove, or disprove, the effectiveness of this program.

But, you may ask, why I would be taking a risk with this? Well, there is this fellow Singaporean trader who goes by the name of Jonathan and as a website (http://bitcoinworldwide.net) and a Youtube channel (http://www.youtube.com/user/bitcoinworldwide), is also using the BTC Robot for a period of time. It seems to have yielded mostly positive results and thought I could try to get myself a share of the pie too.

In addition, BTC Robot in partnership with ClickBetter, promises a 60-day money back guarantee. Thus, I decided to put my money down to see if the investment will pay off before the 60-day ends. Thus, I am now declaring that if by the 50th day of the 60-day the license is unable to redeem itself, I'll proceed to claim a refund of this program as well as withdrawing which ever remaining amount of the money used in this trading period.

So, here are the facts:
Test started on 31st March 2014
Initial investment into BTC-E: USD$370 (31st March 2014)
BTC Robot (Gold License) activated with Aggressive mode on 31st March 2014

At 2:55pm, 2nd April 2014 (+8 GMT, Singapore time), the overall profit thus far is: USD -$55.74

I'll post my trade records, courtesy of BTC-E, into my next post around in the evening today, so that you all know that I am backing up my reports with actual facts.

Final note; I may or may not succeed in this, but I do hope to prove to be a credible source for anyone who may be interested, no matter how small, in the BTC Robot. If anything else, I highly recommend you to stick with me throughout the entire 50-day duration to see how it works out.

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