Thursday 10 April 2014

Medium settings. What does it read?

And I am back with yet another progress report. If you recall from my last blog entry, I set my BTC Robot's setting to Medium Risk. Here is the result:
Sigh... As you can clearly see, there is hardly any difference at this point of time. The portfolio's value continues to nose-dive, with no sign of any improvement from the Aggressive Risk setting.

Previously, my overall loss was USD$187.54. Now, it is at USD$198.36; an additional 3% of loss.

In addition, my email sent over to the BTC Robot team regarding their product's disappointing performance has yet to be answered by them, which has yet to be answered by them. But as it stands now, confidence in the team and their product and future products, are most definitely in the dumps now.

38 days remaining

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